Good things come in small packages, goes the old axiom. And nowhere is that truer than with Naira, our small but powerful knife that packs a serious punch.
The name Naira first appeared around 1484 when Pedro Gomez Escudero recorded it as the name of a Guanche male warrior from Telde. According to the scholar Ignacio Reyes Garcia, the name means “front” or “to guide” in the Guanche language.
The name was revived in the 1970s in the Canary Islands only this time as a female name.
For who is the Naira?
Naira is for those that appreciate a fully customized small EDC blade, made from Nitro-V stainless steel (62HRC) For those that want a small blade (with a big bite!) featuring custom sculpted scales that will quickly become your trusted side kick.